Monday, 20 July 2009

The 40th anniversary of landing on the moon.

On 20Th of July 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin stepped foot on the moon.
The nation wide broadcast was made directly from the moon.
The men put an American flag on the moon for the first time ever!!.
They took some dirt samples of the dirt and headed for earth.
It took them three days to do that mission and successfully land.
They were rewarded with medals and the soil was transported to a scientific lab and they are still researching it right now.


Anonymous said...

Hi future astronauts !!!Mrs McCracken was all of one year old when that happened!How old do you think Mr McNaughton was?????(Sorry Mr McNaughton !!!

Anonymous said...

I won't say how old I was, but I do remember hearing Neil Armstrong's voice as he first stood on the moon.
Mrs Duffin

Anonymous said...

the moon landing was fake
from the
but ugly martians